Membership is available to individuals, groups, organisations and friends who wish to be more involved with the Wild Dandelion community by attending AGM’s and voting on key decisions, working with or alongside us, and attending specific members meetings and events. The four tiers of membership are outlined here, but Full Membership Information can be downloaded HERE
Types of Membership
Individual Membership - £20 a year Individual Membership of Wild Dandelion is open to any persons over the age of 18 living or working in the Bristol area and whose work is compatible with the objects of Wild Dandelion. They must be willing to abide by the rules of the Wild Dandelion CIC and be willing to pay any subscription agreed by the directors of Wild Dandelion. Individual membership is suitable for those offering regular services to Wild Dandelion such as running groups or workshops, renting spaces or accessing services provided by Wild Dandelion. Individual Membership has full voting rights
Partner Membership - £30 a year Partner Membership is open to any group or partnership interested in helping Wild Dandelion achieve its aims through collaborative working and/or combined business interests. They must be willing to abide by the rules of Wild Dandelion and be willing to pay any subscription agreed by the directors of Wild Dandelion. Partnership Membership is suitable for groups, partnerships or initiatives that have direct, regular business with Wild Dandelion such as renting spaces or accessing services provided by Wild Dandelion. Partnership Membership has full voting rights.
Company Membership - £40 a year Company Membership is open to any company or organisation interested in joining Wild Dandelion’s efforts to achieve its aims through collaborative working and/or combined business interests. They must be willing to abide by the rules of Wild Dandelion and be willing to pay any subscription agreed by the directors of Wild Dandelion. Company Membership is suitable for groups, partnerships or initiatives that have direct, regular business with the Wild Dandelion such as renting spaces or accessing services provided by Wild Dandelion. Company Membership has full voting rights
Associate Membership (also known as “Friends of Wild Dandelion”) - Free Associate Membership is suitable for those with an indirect day-to-day relationship to Wild Dandelion through offering voluntary practical, social or spiritual support. They must be willing to abide by the rules of the Wild Dandelion CIC and be willing to pay any subscription agreed by the directors of Wild Dandelion. Associate membership is suitable for individuals, groups or organisations. Associate Membership has no voting rights.
Application Process
Application for membership will be considered following a submission of a Membership Application Form - downloadable below Applications for membership must include a ‘Statement of Intent’ outlining why you wish to become a member and what compatibility you have to Wild Dandelion’s objects and aims. Directors will approve/deny a membership request within 1 month of the application. See full Membership Information for further points – downloadable below.
Membership Voting
Member voting at any in-person meeting shall be by show of hands. Member voting will be introduced during a meeting Absent members have the opportunity to submit their vote ahead of time in writing. If there is a tied vote then the chairperson of the Directors group shall have a second vote. See full Membership Information for further points – downloadable below
Membership events / meetings
In addition to the Annual General Meeting, members will meet one yearly in a Membership Meeting. Organising, chairing and setting the agenda of meetings will be undertaken by a chairperson nominated by a Wild Dandelion director. See full Membership Information for further points – downloadable below